Adverse Event Management and Reporting Services

More than 3,000,000 cases managed with positive impact on product safety

SafetyCall训练有素的专业人员的职业vides a variety of services to our clients to support them in the areas of adverse event management, post-market surveillance, product stewardship, and customer service.

We provide timely and complete adverse event regulatory reports involving regulated products. We can also implement trend analysis and benchmarking reviews. We have medically trained staff who can triage as well as provide product safety information to consumers.

If clients wish to have all consumer contacts supported, we also offer customer resource services in addition to adverse event and product safety services.

For a variety of industries, SafetyCall provides 24/7/365 adverse event management, incident documentation, and first aid advice for basic on-site patient management, general medical and clinical toxicology consultation for health care providers, and health and safety information to our Client’s customers, medical personnel, and others, regarding our Client’s products.

SafetyCall handles telephone based as well as non-telephone based correspondence such as consumer email, customer service notifications, internet based inquiries, and written communications involving both human and animal product safety.